Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Week 4 Tutespark - Web Film

With the benefit of hindsight, I realise that I have watched and enjoyed several short web films over the last few years. My exposure to such offerings as The End of the World and Salad Fingers certainly never led me to consider the web as a viable distribution medium for a genuine filmic culture of such magnitude.

The first web film I have included is The Outbreak, by Chris Lund. The main appeal of this film for me personally is the interactive element - I have loved choose-your-own adventure stories since I read my first Goosebumps series novel in primary school. The cinematography is actually quite good considering the restricted budget. The colour palette is more evocative than many Hollywood thrillers I have seen. Oh, and one more thing... does anyone else see an uncanny resemblance to Josh in one of the lead actors?


I found the following two films on atom.com, an indie/mainstream media website dedicated to comedic short films.

The second film to make the cut is fifteen-minute masterpiece Fluent Dysphasia directed by Daniel O'Hara. The film is about a single father who wakes up after a boozy night speaking fluent Gaelic. Only Gaelic. I was impressed first by the oxymoronic title, then by the brilliant cinematography. I was also shocked to recognise the lead actor, Stephen Rea, whose performances I have enjoyed in such films as V for Vendetta, Tara Road, and Princess Caraboo. The lesson in parenting is not clouded by the impressive multi-lingual efforts of the cast.

Dangle, directed by and starring Phil Traill is a brief take on the cautionary tale. To pull or not to pull the red tassel-ended cord hanging from the sky in the middle of nowhere, that is the question. Cleverly cut frames and a very funny ending, despite the complete lack of dialogue.

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