Friday, August 13, 2010

Week 3 Tutorial

Don't digital and electronic mean the same thing? Analogue... that's a watch with little hands and cogs, yes? Erm.... no.

digital, n. and adj. Relating to or operating with signals or information represented by discrete numeric values of a physical quantity such as voltage or magnetic polarization (commonly representing the digits 0 and 1); designating a signal or information of this kind. Opposed to analogue.

analogue, n. and adj.
B. adj. Relating to or operating with signals or information represented by a continuously variable physical quantity, such as voltage, spatial position, etc., which in the case of measuring instruments can be displayed on a dial or other fixed scale. Also: designating a signal represented in this way.

b. spec. The transmission or exchange of information, knowledge, or ideas, by means of speech, writing, mechanical or electronic media, etc.; (occas.) an instance of this.

c. Using or involving the storage or transmission of information by electronic means; carried out or performed using electronic devices or computers.

Three non-electronic digital devices…

The tactile braille alphabet, international morse code, and DNA - the original digital 'blueprint' - are all examples of non-electronic gidita

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